Family Home Evening tonight was spent decorating the Christmas tree. The kids were frustrated with me because I tried to color-coordinate the tree this year. I had all the silver and red ornaments put up before they got home from school, so all they had to do was put the family / sentimental ornaments in the spaces in-between. They don't like it as much as I do, but I think the tree turned out fabulous. They wanted a lot more colors and a lot more ornaments made out of construction paper. Those are some of my favorite, and we put them up every year, but this year the tree was mine. In the end they were just as excited about the finished product as I was. The rest of the room looks just as festive, I'm so excited for Christmas!
p.s., I counted six nativity scenes in the living room, not counting the ornaments on the tree. The season isn't about the color-coordinated tree, it's about the Savior. I'll make sure that my kids remember that, every day.