Friday, July 1, 2011


I'm taking a really long break from Facebook.  I've been considering this for awhile, but recent events have strengthened my resolve to actually do it.

Some of the topics that have come up in therapy for me recently have stemmed from issues relating to Facebook.  Apparently the social rules that we have for face to face polite society don't apply to social networking.

I have a theory that it's something like road rage.  You are in your comfort zone, your own space, (such as the privacy of your car with road rage, or your home with your laptop) and someone does something that offends you.  You are protected by distance, anonymity, lack of immediate consequences (such as a punch in the face).  Overreactions run rampant, anger is quick and fierce, and people say things to friends, family, and perfect strangers on Facebook that they would NEVER say in person. Anonymity makes people bold, and mean!  Does this happen to anyone else?  (I personally only post things on Facebook that I'm perfectly willing to say to someone's face, I don't have an online split personality).

When did it become ok to insult the friend of a friend because you don't like a comment they made?  When did it become appropriate to make someone's Facebook wall your own personal pulpit from which to spew sermons, lectures, and criticisms?  Let's say you overhear a comment you disagree with in line at the grocery store, do you immediately criticize and even insult the people involved, even though they're perfect strangers and weren't even talking to you?  And how do you think they'd react in person?  Why are we surprised that people overreact online as well?  I've had comments so long and so preachy, they were a full sacrament meeting talk!  There's a time and a place people, and my Facebook wall isn't it.

Facebook is supposed to be fun.  Share pictures, jokes, funny things about our kids, jobs, lives.  Vent frustrations, be sarcastic, observe life, get feedback, but don't take it too seriously.  I've unfriended too many people that take Facebook way too seriously and crossed the line to inappropriate.  My status updates are not an invitation for you to insult me, or each other.  If you don't like my sense of humor, unfriend me.  Block me.  I really don't care, because I don't take Facebook that seriously.

Ok, this sounds a little angry and frustrated, but that's how I've been feeling about this lately.  Think about your Facebook friends... ALL of them.  College buddies, Grandmas, cousins, spouses of your spouses cousins, best friends, co-workers, children of friends, siblings, fellow church members... people of all economic, political and religious backgrounds.  Invite them all to your house, at the same time.  Would they all get along?  HELL NO.  So they're going to disagree online as well, and the only thing all these people have in common is ME.  Therefore, my wall has become a battleground.  I've deleted one too many comment threads and sent one too many private e-mails to try and make this behavior stop, but it just isn't stopping.

I don't see this happening on other people's walls, it's like I'm some kind of magnet for inappropriate online behavior.  Seriously, does anyone else share these frustrations?  Please, for the love of all that is techy, please grow some online manners and just be nice.

At least on my wall.  If you want to leave angry comments on someone else's page feel free, I'm not paying their therapy bill.


Anonymous said...

I will miss seeing your posts on fb, they often made me laugh. But until your return, have a great summer!!! ( and if you still need to borrow Joshs's baton let me know) ;)

Toni said...

So glad you will keep your blog. I would really miss hearing from you. I am sorry FB has been such a drag. Sometimes that "block" button is just not enough.

Kristie said...

I LOVED this comment!!!! I've had this happen too, and you know the person who went at it on me, I couldn't believe it!!!!It's been awhile ago now, but I still can't believe it. Even dregged Brandon into it! Sheesh!! But you hit it right on the head here. I am cheering with a huge AMEN!!! and I have since gone to checking fb only rarely. I LOVE your blog and check it as often as I can, summer camp craziness here, but will be over soon. :) You are so awesome!!! Happy peace!!

Love You!

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