Friday, May 24, 2013

Hard work pays off

Dad and Ember made a deal awhile back that if Ember earned half the money she needed for the cost of a laptop, Dad would pay the other half.  She worked hard babysitting and selling handmade jewelry, and today because of a sale Dad happened to find, we discovered she had enough money.  It was an unexpected surprise for Ember, who thought her dream of laptop ownership was at least a year away!  She can't stand the fact that the battery is charging right now, she's anxious to boot it up and get started entertaining herself, but she is so very proud that she earned this herself.  We are proud of her as well, to save up and pay cash for something you really want is a valuable lesson to learn at such a young age.  Great job Ember!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

This week...

This week:  Tuesday, school choir concert, Ben & Grace.  Wednesday and Thursday, private studio ballet recital, Ember & Grace.  Saturday, school choir concert and school dance recital, Ember.  *collapse in exhaustion*  Good job everyone, now take the summer off!

Franklin West Elementary choir concert

Also, Ben got his new glasses before the concert!  What a handsome, intellectual dude!

And Grace got her baptism dress that day too!  We're so excited for June 22!

Point Releve Dance Studio 10th anniversary ballet recital

Heritage Academy Choir Concert

Heritage Academy Dance Recital

I'm so proud of all three of the kids, who had a busy week showcasing their talents.  I'm a firm supporter of the arts in schools, and both Franklin and Heritage did a great job of teaching and guiding my little students this year.  I love you kiddos!

Lost and found

This experience happened a couple weeks ago but I realized that I needed to write it down, for me and Ember to always remember it.

My wedding ring was damaged, one of the prongs holding the diamond in place was bent.  I took it off and put it in my pocket so it wouldn't bump against anything and I'd lose the diamond before I had the chance to take it to the jeweler for repairs.

That day I took Ember on several errands.  We went to the allergist, then Kohl's, and when I was fishing my keys out of my pocket at Kohl's I realized the ring was gone.  My heart sank, I was so devastated, there was no way I was going to find where I was when I lost it.  

Ember suggested we say a prayer and have faith that Heavenly Father would lead me to my ring.  We pulled over in the parking lot, said a sweet and simple prayer, then listened for guidance.  We originally thought we'd retrace our footsteps and start at home, in case I dropped it there, but I was prompted to return to the parking lot at the allergist on the other side of town.

We pulled into a parking space near where we were the first time and talked about going inside and asking if we could look in our exam room, or if maybe someone had turned the ring in at the desk.  I felt like we needed to search the parking lot first, and told Ember to start looking around for something shiny.  I looked near our original spot, thinking the ring could have fallen out when I pulled my keys out when we were there earlier.  Another car was coming towards me and Ember told me to move.  I stepped out of the way, on the other side of the lot from where I was searching, I looked down at my feet, and there was the ring... right next to my foot.  I was literally lead right to it.  I cried, I jumped up and down, I hugged my daughter, and I cried.  Did I mention that I cried?

Ember had faith the whole time that we would find the ring, and I believe that it was her faith that brought us success that day.  I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who answered my prayer, and who gave my daughter an experience that strengthened her faith and testimony.  The ring could have been replaced, but Ember knowing that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers was priceless.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Concert Night... rock on Ben, rock on.

Ben is in both the orchestra and the band, and their concerts are on the same night.  Fail Franklin Elementary, fail.  Do it different next year.  Ben did awesome in both groups and we're very proud of our musical genius.  Way to go, Dudemanguy!

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