Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last post today, I promise!

Ember's always wanted curly hair, but using heat to curl it never works.  It's straight as a pin and very resistant to curlers, curling irons, flat irons, everything.  So we've been experimenting with no-heat curls, trying things like the sock bun, braids, regular twisted buns... still not the beautiful ringlets that she's always wanted.

Until I found these at Walgreens:

We washed Ember's hair last night, blow dried it
until it was slightly damp, and rolled her hair up
in about 8 of these things.  They're very easy to use.

They were still wrapped tight when she woke up this morning,
and when we unrolled them, here's what we got!

This is one HAPPY 11 year old this morning!

While we were shaping Ember's hair to perfection,
Ben was playing with my comb.

So I said to him, "Ben... I moustache you a question."
To which he replied, "That's very Pinteresting."
Well played, son :)

I have such funny kids!



Adam and Emily said...

her hair looks adorable!!! those are perfect ringlets!

Jenna said...

I noticed that gorgeous hair at church! I can't believe it still looked good at 4:30 in the afternoon! That is awesome! She is growing up, I don't know if I like that. But the hair looks great!

Noelle @ Mesa AZ Photography said...

I have heard of those bend and snap things. I'm so glad you found something that works.

Also, you have a mini-Austin running around your house. For sure.

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