Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is harder than I thought

Three of our puppies went to their new homes today, all three girls.  The boy will go home on Saturday morning.  This is a lot harder than I had anticipated.  These four little babies became part of our family, and now we have to send them away.  I admit, I cried.  Several times.  I also had to work today so I wasn't there when they actually left, which is probably a good thing.  I spent the morning saying goodbye, and then when I came home at the end of the day there was just one puppy left to greet me.

All of our pictures so far have been of the puppies and the kids, because I'm always behind the camera.  I asked Austin to take charge of the camera this morning so I could have some pictures of me and the puppies together before they left for good.  I don't like pictures of myself, and I don't like POSTING pictures of myself, but here's my goodbye photo shoot.  It's making me cry even as I'm uploading the pictures.


They all gave me goodbye kisses.


They are always tuckered out from outside playtime.  They found their Mama's bed and all four crowded into it and snuggled up together for a good long nap.

Goodbye babies.  I will miss you.  *sniff*


Krystall said...

That is so hard. I haven't had to give away my animal babies since I was a kid but it killed me then. I feel your pain- they sure are adorable! Dogs aren't like people, dogs aren't like people, dogs aren't like people... ;) I'm convincing myself that I'm not super-sentimental and sad at that last family pic... But anyway, great job on raising some beautiful puppies!! :)

Krystall said...

Oh and I love the 10th photo the one where you are smiling right at the camera with the puppy. :) If this was Facebook I would "like" it but I can't lol

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