Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My least favorite chore

I hate to cook. I really hate it. Some women like to find new recipes, try new things, find joy or fulfillment in providing nourishment to their families... that is not me. I don't even like making sandwiches. Putting something in the crock pot so it will cook itself is just irritating. I hate can openers, I hate twist ties, I hate spatulas.

And the food I cook doesn't even taste good. It only tastes good if someone else made it. I hate the smell of cooking meat, steaming vegetables, simmering soups or sauces. Awhile ago I watched Julie and Julia and just laughed, because I have a hard time believing that women like that actually exist. I'm not a bad cook, my husband tells me I'm good at it. But I'd rather clean bathrooms than prepare a meal for my family.

Do you like cooking? And what is YOUR least favorite chore?


Rachael and Jeff Downs said...

I love cooking, but I hate the prep work. I wish I could cook more often, but because I work at night...I can't. My least favorite chore, cleaning the bathrooms. Haha, maybe we should switch?

Maren said...

Oh I enjoy cooking. It's the clean up the dishes part that keeps me from cooking more. Give me laundry, or make me vacuum but please keep those dishes away, especially pots and pans. BOOOOOO.

Adam and Emily said...

I have dreams of making really delicious dishes one of these days. And don't mind cooking. The chore I REALLY dislike is cleaning the kitchen. It feels like I'm always doing dishes, wiping counters and all the other stuff it entails. I HATE it! I try to get Adam to help but that doesn't work out very well so I always end up doing it all myself.

Dreamweaver Braids said...

I actually love to cook...IF I can do it entirely alone. Uninterrupted by small people. My nemesis is definitely the Laundry. It multiplies itself! I think there's a wizard in my laundry room cabinet with a sick twisted sense of humor, casting his "doubling" spell all day long.

Toni said...

I love to bake - cooking not so much. Do you think my family would mind living on bread, cakes and cookies? (I know the kids would LOVE it - my husband not so much - ha!) - I hate dusting!!! This stems from my childhood and having a mother that literally has thousands of "knick knacks" and having to dust them all, dust under them and then make sure they were back in the "Exact" spot (It still gives me shivers!). You will notice I have very few (six to be exact!) of those disgusting little dust catchers in my house!! Hmmm - makes me wonder what "hated chore" I am creating in my own children...

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