I'm back from Women's Conference, and I had a blast! I learned and experienced too much to put into one single post, so I'll be doing a post every day this week with a little conference gem that I picked up.

I only had my camera phone with me, but I took lots of pictures and I'll sprinkle those in between the things I learned from the classes I attended.
(There were over 15,000 women in attendance)

I thought I'd start with our closing session from Friday afternoon. The speaker was Sister Kristen Oaks and Elder Dalin H. Oaks. The topic was service. We need to evaluate the service we give; is it all about me?
Here's some of his insights that I found helpful for me: (I'll summarize but use quotation marks for a direct quote that I found significant)
We live in a Godless and increasingly amoral society. The result is fear. The opposite of fear? Faith. Our faith in the Savior sustains us.
(Yes, it snowed all 3 days. More on this later.)

"You are daughters of a Heavenly Father who shares your concerns, listens to your prayers, and honors your service." He also said that this applies to whatever service we give, whether the world honors it or not.
He warned us against pride, self-importance, commending ourselves, or creating our own moral compass. Living for myself is a tool of Satan, it means I'm not living for God.

This was funny...
"the popular song "I did it my way" (Frank Sinatra) will only be sung in the Telestial Kingdom"
"Motherhood is the CURE for self-centeredness"
"Women can become depressed or diverted by excessive preoccupation with self. A bad hair day matters to no one but myself and means nothing in the eternal scheme of things." Then he said he really can't empathize with a bad hair day :)

If it's always all about me, my spiritual growth will be stunted. He quoted the mother of someone I can't remember, I'm sure it was significant, but she said "It's amazing how much you can get done when you don't care who gets the credit."
So evaluate your service; is it all about you, are you doing it for the wrong reasons, or is it all about God? Is it all about the person we are serving, and by extension, the Savior we are serving?
There lots more pictures and stories I want to share, but like I said... too much for one post. Come back often this week and I'll share as much as I can! Snow, baby ducks, tulips, silly stories, spiritual insights... you don't want to miss it :)